Saturday, 2 July 2011

God of War: Origins Collection Preview

Playing remakes at E3 is always a weird experience. Since the game doesn't really change all that much, the best you can do is comment on how the game looks. This was the case with God of War: Origins Collection. It's basically just both God of War PSP titles put together in one PS3 release. Don't get me wrong, I'm not scoffing at the premise. In fact, I'll probably be one of the first in line to pick it up, just because I'd rather have every God of War available for play on my PS3. Still, in the end, it will be the graphics that make or break this collection, and honestly, I'm not sure if I'm sold on Origins Collection's updated appearance.
Many of you may remember what God of War: Chains of Olympus and God of War: Ghost of Sparta looked like on the PSP. Frankly, they looked pretty good, and the action flowed just as well as the PS2 and PS3 titles did. Unfortunately, the same can't be said about this updated release. Kratos' sweeping motions with his chain blade actually look kind of blocky. It's almost Tron-like in nature, with jagged-edged polygons being traced in the path of his blades of chaos.
God of War: Origins Collection Screenshot
Kratos' model, on the other hand, doesn't look half bad. The new filters not only make his pasty white skin textures seem rather smooth, but they also make his movement seem more fluid (if only because you see fewer jagged edges than you did on the PSP version.) Sure, he doesn't look as good as he did in God of War 3, but he looks far better than he did on the PSP. There's a strange, almost "action figure" look to him, which is a little distracting considering we basically saw a scarred and grizzled Kratos in God of War 3. However, it's certainly much better than we thought he was going to look.

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