Friday 15 July 2011

Revamp The Witcher 2

The Witcher 2 was a love letter to fans of old-school RPGs, offering deep and complex combat along with a dark engrossing tale containing choices of real consequence. It received much praise but it wasn’t perfect. These mods bring it closer to that paragon status.
Warpaint by YoungZer0: One aspect that was sorely lacking was the scarce amount of character customization for Geralt. This mod doesn’t completely resolve the issue but it does provide a small fix. Warpaint allows Geralt to wear different face paint designs with plenty of different patterns such as Braveheart and Red Wolf giving your Witcher a bit more individuality. 
Celtic Sword Blood Runes by gann1981: A minor but fancy mod that changes the rune designs on the blade to actually match the real Celtic names such as Moon, Earth and more. Not only does this just correct the art, it makes the weapon look much visually appealing.

Panel Tweaks by FollowTheGourd: This mod does a splendid job of improving the game’s user interface. Better sorting, filters, tooltips and alchemy make all the information shown in-game much easier to understand. From inventory pocket item counters to alchemy ingredient counters, Panel Tweaks helps make The Witcher 2 a more intuitive experience.

HUD Tweaks by FollowTheGourd: Another great UI modification, this one focuses on improving the in-game heads-up-display. HD Tweaks removes the crosshair when you are out of combat, a true north arrow on the minimap and a smaller target lock-on for making monsters less obscure

Return of the White Wolf by Wednesday17: For the fans of the White Wolf, not this impostor who now has grey hair, this is for you. Changing Geralt’s hair back to its original milky white appearance will please the players who follow the lore of the novels and of The Witcher 1.

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