Saturday, 2 July 2011

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Preview

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning is an upcoming open world action RPG. Cheat Code Central was fortunate enough to get into a closed-door demo session for the game, and we took extensive notes. So far, it's looking pretty interesting.
In RPGs, story is king, and our demo began with an introduction to the plot of Reckoning. At the start of the game, your character is resurrected from the dead in the Well of Souls. While this sounds pretty neat, it comes with some consequences. The worst drawback is that the resurrection process has left your character without a fate.
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Screenshot
From a gameplay standpoint, however, this is the perfect place for a character to be. Having no fate means that you will forge your own path, and Reckoning is definitely designed with this in mind. When you begin the game, you don't select a class. Your skills and abilities are your choice, but they are influenced by the decisions you make throughout the game. There is the equivalent of a skill tree, divided into three sections: might, sorcery, and finesse. You get to choose how your character advances up this tree, completely unhindered by the class restrictions that normally come with the skill tree structure.
Aside from combat skills, there are skills that help you accomplish various things throughout the world. For example, there is the persuasion skill, and a more rogue-ish skill that lets you open locks. Since some of the treasure chests you'll encounter are locked by magic, you will need to learn to dispel them. Dispelling a lock opens up a minigame, similar to the way hacking works in BioShock. 

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